Shaping the Environment of the Future

Solid Waste

Municipal Sanitary Landfills


Abydoz provides cost-effective, innovative waste management solutions for the communities we serve. We help you reach your goals through our design and technical services specializing in waste containment and sanitary Landfill projects.

This allows for the ideal design and implementation of engineered containment systems for all locations and waste types. Our extensive experience in the use of engineered containment systems using geomembranes provides security that your project will be a successful and long-term solution.


In addition to state-of-the-art design of sanitary solid waste facilities, solid waste management includes waste minimization, and regional waste policies. Our experts possess the experience and skill to develop and deliver innovative, and environmentally sound solutions to mitigate today’s challenging waste management issues.

To support solid waste facilities Abydoz has developed an effective and low cost leachate treatment system to ensure that all landfill leachate is treated prior to release and there are no adverse effects from the Landfill operation.




Leachate Treatment Design

Waste Sorting, Reduction and Recycling Facilities

Waste Management Planning


Composting Facilities

Operation of Waste Facilities


Sanitary Landfill Design and Construction


Containment Technologies